Use of multivariate statistical methods for classification of olive oil
Multivariate statistical methods can contribute significantly to classification studies of extra virgin and common olive oil groups. Therefore, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to discriminate olive oil samples, multivariate statistical techniques Principal Component Analysis - PCA, Fuzzy Cluster, Silhouette Validation Method to describe and classify. The groups' distinction into organic and common was observed by applying the non-hierarchical Fuzzy grouping with a distinction between the two groups with a 65% confidence interval. The validation was performed by the silhouette index that presented S (i) of 0.73, which showed that the adopted grouping presented adequate strength and distinction criterion. However, PCA only analyzed the behaviors of data from extra virgin olive oil. Thus, the Fuzzy clustering method was the most suitable for classifying extra virgin olive oil.Downloads
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Copyright (c) 2021 Moacyr Cunha Filho, Renisson Neponuceno Araujo Filho, Ana Luiza Xavier Cunha, Victor Casimiro Piscoya, Guilherme Rocha Moreira, Iloane dos Santos Lima, Ronaldo Dionísio da Silva, Rejane Magalhães de Mendonça Pimentel, Dayane de Souza Lima, Josue Luiz Marinho Junior, Ricardo Oliveira Silva, Tatijana Stosic, Milton Marques Fernandes

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